Sunday, June 14, 2015


I kept going, and I keep going.

Sometimes, it is a blessing if you are forced to engage the opposite of your beliefs.  It helps sharpen your resolve.  It helps define what - specifically - you hate.

I usually get on this blog to pour out my rage, to get it out of my system so I can get on with life.

Some pretty crazy things are going on, and getting ready to happen.  I wonder if they would be happening like this if I hadn't been forced (or... forced myself?) into situations where I felt emotions.

It's interesting to observe situations with an objective eye, after the emotion has waned.  The metal of a sword is hot when it is molded, yet it is cold as ice when it cuts through the enemies flesh.  This, I think, is a proper metaphor for anger and rage.  So often, a war starts, a battle breaks out, we begin to hold some sort of grudge, over a particular event - or series of events (an insult, hurt feelings, damaged ego, sense of betrayal) - and this one thing is what causes the battle to break out.  Someone was offended, and that person was the wrong person to offend.  Something like that.

And I wonder, is this wise?  Should such aggressive responses be necessary. 

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